Recovery support service
Who can use this service?
We provide this service in Liverpool to anyone who is concerned their drug or alcohol use is impacting their ability to manage in their home. To access the service please contact us on 0151 207 7607 or email [email protected] Someone will then contact you to discuss how we can help. |
Recovery Support Service
Do you worry that your drug or alcohol use is affecting other areas of your life? Are you struggling to manage in your home? Are you worried about homelessness? Get in touch for an informal, non-judgmental chat about how we can help. We will arrange to meet with you in your own home or at another agreed location and assess your needs and how we can best help. We will agree with you a plan of support to fits your needs. Our support can include:-
The Whitechapel Centre
Langsdale Street Liverpool L3 8DT Tel: 0151 207 7617 Charity Number: 1013060 Reg Co Number: 2623071 |