homeless advice CENTRE
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday: 9am to 4pm Langsdale Street, Liverpool L3 8DT Contact: 0151 207 7617 (if possible, please call first to book a same day appointment.) Who can use this service? Anyone who is over 16 and at risk of homelessness. |
Our Homeless Advice Centre is open to prevent homelessness. It is integral to our commitment to achieving the Always Help Available Standard across the Liverpool City Region. It delivers housing and welfare advice to resolve or prevent homelessness for new clients who are rough sleeping or are at risk of rough sleeping.
We assess people's housing and support needs, identify suitable accommodation options, undertake homeless prevention work, reconnect people within and outside of the UK where there is accommodation available to them plus a range of other solutions. We can offer support and advice to help people experiencing homelessness or having housing problems. We also provide support along with our partner agencies for people rough sleeping to access, health services, recovery services and other wrap around support services. Services are open to all rough sleepers for access to hot showers, laundry facilities and a change of clothes. Housing Advice Drop in Sessions are also available at this venue. A new temporary Night Assessment Hub is now operating in Liverpool. It has been commissioned by Liverpool City Council and is managed by The Whitechapel Centre. The hub will allow the Whitechapel’s Rough Sleeper Outreach Team to conduct out of hours assessments of need, complete referrals to accommodation providers, Housing Options and to relevant support and health services. Once an assessment has been completed individuals are able to remain at the Hub overnight until an accommodation or other solution can be found. Access into the Night Assessment Hub will be via the Liverpool Outreach Team via the Always Help Available phone line on 0300 123 2041. (We will not be sharing the address of the Hub as we ask that all referrals are made through the Outreach Team). |
The Whitechapel Centre
Langsdale Street Liverpool L3 8DT Tel: 0151 207 7617 Charity Number: 1013060 Reg Co Number: 2623071 |